Now showing items 416-420 of 1485

    • Endemic bird of the day : Hispaniolan Trogon 

      BirdsCaribbean (2020)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 27 poster, dedicated to the Hispaniolan Trogon (called Papagayo in the Dominican Republic and Caleçon Rouge in Haiti), one of only two trogon species found within the Caribbean ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Antillean Euphonia 

      BirdsCaribbean (2020)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 22 poster, dedicated to the Antillean Euphonia, a colorful, small bird of the Fringillidae family. It has a remarkable variety of melodious calls and jumbled songs that includes ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Black-crowned Palm-Tanager 

      BirdsCaribbean (2020)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 16 poster, dedicated to the Black-crowned Palm-Tanager, locally known as Cuatro Ojos (“four-eyes”). This striking bird is a medium-sized passerine endemic to the island of Hispaniola ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo 

      BirdsCaribbean (2020)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 10 poster, dedicated to The Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo. It is true to its common name: it is found nowhere else in the world but the island of Hispaniola, its diet includes lizards ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Ridgway’s Hawk 

      BirdsCaribbean (2020)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 5 poster, dedicated to The Ridgway’s Hawk. This bird is found only on the island of Hispaniola, which is shared by the nations of Haiti and Dominican Republic. It is one of the ...