Mostrando ítems 936-940 de 3928

    • Distribution and conservation of the Antillean manatee in Hispaniola 

      Domínguez Tejo, Haydée M. (2016)
      Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) were heavily hunted in the past throughout the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR), and are currently listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In most WCR ...
    • Conservation of biological diversity in the Dominican Republic 

      Schubert, Andreas (1993)
      The Dominican Republic on the island of Hispaniola has the highest degree of biological diversity in the Caribbean. The country's wildlife service (Departamento de Vida Silvestre) carried out investigations at ecosystem ...
    • The cloud forest in the Dominican Republic : diversity and conservation status 

      Cano Ortiz, Ana; Musarella, Carmelo María; Quinto Canas, Ricardo; Piñar Fuentes, José C.; Pinto Gomes, Carlos J.; Cano Carmona, Eusebio (2019)
      The study of the forest in rainy environments of the Dominican Republic reveals the presence of four types of vegetation formations, clearly differentiated from each other in terms of their floristic and biogeographical ...
    • RAC/REMPEITC - Caribe : Facts and numbers 

      Regional Activity Centre / Regional Marine Pollution Emergency, Information & Training Centre for the Wider Caribbean (RAC/REMPEITC-CARIBE) (Sin fecha)
      This infographic contains facts and numbers from the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency, Information and Training Centre. RAC/REMPEITC-Caribe assists countries in the Wider Caribbean Region to prevent and respond to ...
    • RAC/REMPEITC - Caribe 

      Regional Activity Centre / Regional Marine Pollution Emergency, Information & Training Centre for the Wider Caribbean (RAC/REMPEITC-CARIBE) (2015)
      Brochure of the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency, Information and Training Centre, one of four regional activity centres of the Caribbean Environment Programme. Established in 1995, RAC/REMPEITC-Caribe is hosted by the ...