Mostrando ítems 881-885 de 3923

    • Global significance of mangrove blue carbon in climate change mitigation 

      Alongi, Daniel M. (2020)
      Mangrove forests store and sequester large area-specific quantities of blue carbon (Corg). Except for tundra and peatlands, mangroves store more Corg per unit area than any other ecosystem. Mean mangrove Corg stock is 738.9 ...
    • Preservation and recovery of mangrove ecosystem carbon stocks in abandoned shrimp ponds 

      Elwin, Angie; Bukoski, Jacob J.; Jintana, Vipak; Robinson, Elizabeth J. Z.; Clark, Joanna M. (2019)
      Mangrove forests capture and store exceptionally large amounts of carbon and are increasingly recognised as an important ecosystem for carbon sequestration. Yet land-use change in the tropics threatens this ecosystem and ...
    • Diversity and conservation status of mangrove communities in two areas of Mesocaribea biogeographic region 

      Cano-Ortiz, Ana; Musarella, Carmelo; Fuentes, Carlos; Pinto Gomes, Carlos; Río, Sara; Cano, Eusebio (2018)
      The study of mangrove communities (Avicennia germinans, Conocarpus erectus, Laguncularia racemosa and Rhyzophora mangle) in Central America reveals a total diversity of 121 species included in 7 plant communities, of which ...
    • Mangrove mortality in a changing climate : an overview 

      Sippo, James Z.; Lovelock, Catherine E.; Santos, Isaac R.; Sanders, Christian J.; Maher, Damien T. (2018)
      Mangroves provide vital ecosystem services at the dynamic interface between land and oceans. Recent reports of mangrove mortality suggest that mangroves may be adversely affected by climate change. Here, we review historical ...
    • Global Mangrove Watch 

      Global Mangrove Alliance (GMA) (2023)
      Thriving mangroves are key to the health of nature and effective climate action. Global Mangrove Watch (GMW) is an online platform that provides the remote sensing data and tools for monitoring mangroves necessary for this. ...