Mostrando ítems 856-860 de 3923

    • #ShareTheShore 

      BirdsCaribbean (2021)
      An infographic that you can use to encourage others to use the hashtag #ShareTheShore while preserving coastal natural resources. These are some easy tips for sharing the shore with the shorebirds that breed in the Caribbean ...
    • Common shorebirds of the Caribbean 

      BirdsCaribbean (2020)
      Perfect for wildlife enthusiasts, educators, and casual observers, this ID guide is designed to enhance appreciation for the rich avian biodiversity that graces the Caribbean shores. This two-page guide is a handy companion ...
    • Common Caribbean shorebirds : ID guide 

      BirdsCaribbean (2020)
      Need a quick reference for a shorebird you spotted? Or an educational resource for your school or office? This quick ID guide to common shorebirds of the Caribbean can be used in the field, classroom or home. Print on ...
    • Aves playeras comunes del Caribe : ¿cuántas has visto? 

      BirdsCaribbean (2019)
      Este póster es la adición perfecta para oficinas de vida silvestre, espacios de educación pública y privada o para tener a mano en eventos como presentaciones y festivales de aves. La versión a tamaño completo se imprime ...
    • Phylogeographic structure within the fiddler crabs Leptuca thayeri and Uca maracoani (Brachyura, Ocypodidae) along the tropical West Atlantic 

      Zanetti Marochi, Murilo; Pereira Tangerina, Marcelo Marucci; Oliveira Rodrigues, Renata de; Laurenzano, Claudia; Vilegas, Wagner; Costa, Tânia M.; Schubart, Christoph D. (2022)
      Most fiddler crabs have an extended planktonic larval phase, potentially maintaining gene flow among widely separated populations, in the absence of marine barriers. Such marine barriers could be long coastal stretches ...