Now showing items 916-920 of 3923

    • Recommendations for the protection and recovery of Caribbean sea turtles 

      Koubrak, Olga; Horrocks, Julia; Hoetjes, Paul; Somma, Angela; Vail, Courtney; Eckert, Karen; Vermot, Jean; Fries, Elisabeth; Pivard, Sandrine; Koyama, Kristen (2021)
      Based on their review and expert knowledge, authors of this document are recommending the following priority actions to the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected ...
    • CARI’MAM : informe provisional 2019-2020 

      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); Interreg Caraïbes - CARI’MAM; CAR-SPAW-RAC (2021)
      Este documento contiene un informe provisional del proyecto de la Red de Preservación de Mamíferos Marinos del Caribe (CARI'MAM) que cubre los años 2019 y 2020. Fue presentado en la Novena Reunión del Comité Asesor Científico ...
    • Marine turtle trauma response procedures : a husbandry manual 

      Bluvias, Jessie E.; Eckert, Karen L. (2010)
      Prepared by the Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST), the aim of this manual is to strengthen and coordinate the efforts of people throughout the Wider Caribbean Region to respond to sea turtles in ...
    • Action plan for the conservation of marine mammals (MMAP) in the wider Caribbean region 

      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (2008)
      The immediate goal of this Action Plan is to assist participating governments in the region in their efforts to develop and improve marine mammal conservation policies and practices. The Plan is intended to provide a ...
    • Compendio de conceptos y términos relevantes para la gestión de la basura marina en América Latina y el Caribe 

      Spadafora Mejía, Alida; Durán González, Daniela; Rodríguez Valenzuela, Estefanía (2022)
      Con esta publicación se busca promover el entendimiento de los conceptos y definiciones asociados a la basura marina y a la contaminación plástica, con el fin de robustecer su gestión integral y la elaboración de instrumentos ...