Now showing items 1-10 of 37
Management and Conservation of Reef Biodiversity and Fisheries : a pilot project of the GEF/UNOPS project entitled: “Sustainable Management of the Shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) and Adjacent Regions” : final report
The overall objective of the CLME project is the sustainable management of the shared living marine resources of the Caribbean large marine ecosystem and adjacent areas through an integrated management approach that will ...
How to conduct a protected areas management effectiveness assessment
The assessment of management effectiveness in protected areas has been considered as a very important activity to learn about the management of the site and to implement actions and adapt management. The assessment should ...
Regional strategy and action plan for the valuation, protection and/or restoration of key marine habitats in the Wider Caribbean 2021–2030
The regional strategy and action plan for the valuation, protection and/or restoration of key marine habitats in the Wider Caribbean 2021-2030 (RSAP) is one of the tools developed by the Specially Protected Areas and ...
Caribbean Marine Atlas
The Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA) is an online digital platform that stores and provides access to geospatial information (and related documents) on the "Marine Environment and Human Societies in the Wider Caribbean Region". ...
The state of nearshore marine habitats in the Wider Caribbean
The report focuses on three habitats that are characteristic of coastal ecosystems in the wider Caribbean, namely coral reefs, mangrove forests, and seagrass meadows. The report highlights the status and trends of the three ...
Marine litter in the Caribbean : where does it end up?
What can I do? What can we do? How can we reduce marine litter?
Sargassum white paper : turning the crisis into an opportunity
Since 2011, Caribbean coastlines have been subject to unprecedented, massive, episodic influxes of floating sargassum seaweed. While 2020 was relatively mild in terms of sargassum volumes, and a global pandemic became the ...
Proposal for the inclusion of all parrotfishes (Perciformes: Scaridae) in annexes of the protocol on specially protected areas and wildlife in the Wider Caribbean Region of the convention for the protection and development of the marine environment in the Wider Caribbean Region (SPAW Protocol)
The working group in charge of this proposal presented to nominate all parrotfishes (Family Scaridae) for inclusion in Annex III of the SPAW Protocol and some species in Annex II. We believe that the key ecological role ...
Action plan for the conservation of marine mammals (MMAP) in the wider Caribbean region
The immediate goal of this Action Plan is to assist participating governments in the region in their efforts to develop and improve marine mammal conservation policies and practices. The Plan is intended to provide a ...