Now showing items 1-20 of 25

    • An assessment of priority issues and capacity for conservation action of Caribbean endemic and threatened bird species 

      Nelson, Howard P.; Ewert, David N.; Hulme, Mark; Lebbin, Daniel J.; Mortensen, Jennifer; Robertson, Holly; Rusk, Bonnie; Sorenson, Lisa; Haynes-Sutton, Ann M.; Tossas, Adrianne; Upgren, Amy; Wallace, George E.; Wilson, Maya; Devenish-Nelson, Eleanor S. (2024)
      Abstract: Despite decades of conservation effort, Caribbean endemic and threatened bird species continue to decline and many are Critically Endangered. In 2022, the BirdsCaribbean Endemic and Threatened Species Working ...
    • BirdLife : Empowering the grassroots : community action for conservation and development 

      BirdLife International (2011)
      BirdLife is supporting local communities to integrate conservation and livelihoods development at the local-level. BirdLife is developing a toolkit for rapid site-based assessment of ecosystem services, and building capacity ...
    • BirdSleuth explorer’s guidebook 

      Rettberg, Anna (ilust.); The Cornell Lab of Ornithology (2016)
      Become an expert observer! Follow this step-by-step BirdSleuth Explorer’s Guidebook and use your senses to discover the birds in a park.
    • Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) : From the Nest 

      BirdsCaribbean (2020)
      BirdsCaribbean works to increase awareness and appreciation of the region's unique bird life through an annual Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF). Each year CEBF features the 'Endemic Bird of the Day', an educational ...
    • Caribbean Pelagic Seabird Map Project : September 2020 status report 

      Debrot, A. O.; Kaag, N. H. B. M.; Leopold, M. F.; Wal, J. T. van der; Halewijn, R. van; Poppe, D. M. C.; Verdaat, H.; Bazuin, I.; Verweij, P. J. F. M.; Boer, M. N. de (2020)
      Even though there are many scattered seabird sighting records for the open waters of the Caribbean, very little is known about the use of those waters by the seabirds of the region. The goal of this project was to compile ...
    • Census of the American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber (Phoenicopteriformes: Phoenicopteridae) in Haiti 

      Timyan, Joel; Bonifassi, Anne-Isabelle; Exantus, Jean-Marry (2024)
      An aerial census of the American Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) was conducted during February 20–27, 2024, in Haiti. Nineteen wetland sites were surveyed by fixed-wing aircraft over 4 days. Flamingos were detected at 5 ...
    • Changes in parrot diversity after human arrival to the Caribbean 

      Oswald, Jessica A.; Tilston Smith, Brian; Allen, Julie M.; Guralnick, Robert P.; Steadman, David W.; LeFebvre, Michelle J. (2023)
      Integrating across paleontological, archaeological, and neontological resources is critical for understanding millennial-scale impacts of humans on biodiversity. Here, we showcase this valuable integration, with a focus ...
    • ¡Consejos para el conteo mundial de aves playeras! 

      BirdsCaribbean (2023)
      Después de años de participar en el Conteo Global de Aves Playeras y coordinar el Censo de Aves Acuáticas del Caribe, Birds Caribbean ha creado una lista de algunos consejos de mejores prácticas para ayudar a que tu conteo ...
    • Detectives de Aves : BirdSleuth K-12 : currículo y material de apoyo 

      Fee, Jennifer; Briggs, Lilly (2017)
      Las actividades de este currículo buscan fortalecer la conexión de niños y jóvenes con la naturaleza por medio del estudio de las aves, mientras que se incentiva su interés por la ciencia y el medio ambiente. Las aves nos ...
    • Detectives de aves del Caribe : conectando a los niños a través de las aves 

      The Cornell Lab of Ornithology; BirdsCaribbean (2014)
      Las aves son criaturas increíbles y fascinantes que también pueden servir para que niños y adolescentes se interesen por la naturaleza y la ciencia. El plan de estudios "Detectives de Aves del Caribe" se creó como parte ...
    • Empowering the grassroots: BirdLife, participation, and local communities 

      Thomas, David; Langley, Nick (2011)
      The case studies in this book have been selected to show the diversity of ways in which Important Bird Area Local Conservation Groups (LCGs) are working with BirdLife Partners to help conserve what is not just internationally ...
    • Especies migratorias : activos biológicos, culturales y económicos de Las Américas 

      Murillo, Tatiana; Prado, Soledad; Pesquero, Marta; Drews, Carlos (2008)
      Este documento resalta la importancia de las especies migratorias como componentes esenciales de la biodiversidad en las Américas, incluyendo el Gran Caribe. Explora su papel ecológico, su relevancia cultural y sus aportes ...
    • Guía del organizador : Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias 2022 : ¡Noches oscuras, migraciones seguras! 

      Environment for the Americas (EFTA) (2022)
      A través de esta guía, le proporcionamos consejos y herramientas para organizar su evento del Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias de principio a fin, centrándose al mismo tiempo en el tema de conservación de 2022. Este ...
    • Introducción al dibujo y coloreado de aves endémicas del Caribe 

      Márquez, Josmar E.; BirdsCaribbean (2020)
      Este es el video introductorio de una serie de videos para dibujar y colorear las Aves Endémicas del Caribe, en celebración del 19no Festival de las Aves Endemicas del Caribe CEBF - Birds and Culture.
    • James Bond (1900–1989) — U.S. ornithologist — and his network of contributors to the avifauna of the West Indies 

      Aubrecht, Gerhard (2022)
      Abstract: James Bond, the well-known author of the field guide Birds of the West Indies, published numerous scientific papers on Caribbean avifauna that are based on decades of field research and involved numerous regional ...
    • Last search for the Jamaican Golden Swallow (Tachycineta e. euchrysea) 

      Proctor, C. Justin; Inman, Seth E.; Zeiger, John M.; Graves, Gary R. (2017)
      Abstract: The Golden Swallow (Tachycineta euchrysea) is an aerial insectivore and obligate secondary cavity nester endemic to the Caribbean islands of Jamaica and Hispaniola. The declining Hispaniolan subspecies (T. e. ...
    • Manual de la golondrina verde 

      Proctor, C. Justin (2014)
      Contenido: Parte I: Construcción de cajas-nido, conos antipredación y postes. -- Parte II: Monitoreo de las cajas-nido de la Golondrina Verde. -- Tarjeta para la Identificación de la edad de los pichones.
    • Manual ilustrado para el monitoreo de aves silvestres 

      Ruiz Gutiérrez, Viviana; Berlanga García, Humberto Antonio; Calderón Parra, Rafael; Savarino Drago, Annamaria; Aguilar Gómez, Miguel Ángel; Rodríguez Contreras, Vicente (2020)
      Con base en experiencias y con el fin de fortalecer las capacidades y potenciar el valor científico de los registros (observaciones) de los monitores comunitarios de aves, el Laboratorio de Ornitología de Cornell y la ...
    • Migratory species : biological, cultural and economic assets of the Americas 

      Murillo, Katiana; Prado, Soledad; Pesquero, Marta; Drews, Carlos (2008)
      This document highlights the significance of migratory species as integral components of biodiversity in the Americas, including the Great Caribbean. It explores their ecological roles, cultural importance, and economic ...
    • Organizer's guide : World Migratory Bird Day 2020 : Birds connect our world 

      Environment for the Americas (EFTA) (2020)
      Environment for the Americas (EFTA) is a non-profit organization that strives to connect people across the Western Hemisphere to bird conservation through education, outreach, and research. Each year EFTA works with hundreds ...