Browsing Comunidad Técnico-profesional y científica by Title
Now showing items 24-43 of 4455
A 1000-year sedimentary record of hurricane, fire, and vegetation history from a coastal lagoon in southwestern Dominican Republic
(2011)Our knowledge of whether hurricanes cause lasting changes in forest composition and the patterns and role of fire in Caribbean dry forests are lacking. This project combines paleoecological and paleotempestological methods ... -
A birding trip to the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico
(2001)Abstract — During a birding trip to the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, 20 September to 4 October 1999, 25 of the 26 endemics of Hispaniola and all of the 16 endemic species of Puerto Rico were observed. In all, we ... -
A booklet on the CCCCC’s accomplishments in its first 10 years of operation
(2020)The first mandate entrusted to the Centre was to coordinate CARICOM’S response to climate change and its efforts to manage and adapt to its projected impacts. Notwithstanding its limited resources (human and financial) ... -
A checklist of marine plants and animals of the south coast of the Dominican Republic
(1983)A research cruise to the South Coast of the Dominican Republic was conducted 14-22 May 1979 by the Department of Marine Sciences in cooperation with Centro de Investigaciones de Biologia Marina de la Universidad Autonoma ... -
A coalescent-based estimator of genetic drift, and acoustic divergence in the Pteronotus parnellii species complex
(2019)Determining the processes responsible for phenotypic variation is one of the central tasks of evolutionary biology. While the importance of acoustic traits for foraging and communication in echolocating mammals suggests ... -
A comparison of populations of island and adjacent mainland species of Caribbean Selenops (Araneae: Selenopidae) spiders
(2010)The role of the landscape in structuring populations has been the focus of numerous studies, in particular, the extent to which islands provide opportunities for isolation, and the consistency of such an effect across ... -
A comparison of two sampling strategies to assess discomycete diversity in wet tropical forests
(2004)Most of the fungal diversity studies that have used a systematic collecting scheme have not included the discomycetes, so optimal sampling methods are not available for this group. In this study, I tested two sampling ... -
A conservation action plan for Bicknell’s Thrush (Catharus bicknelli)
(2010)This Plan highlights the priority conservation actions needed to address factors contributing to the global vulnerability of Bicknell’s Thrush. It is not an exhaustive review or assessment of the species’ status. Rather, ... -
A conservation action plan for Bicknell’s Thrush (Catharus bicknelli)
(2017)This revised Plan reflects the consensus of the IBTCG about the primary threats facing Bicknell’s Thrush and the actions that may help mitigate those threats. It does not provide a comprehensive list of every threat to ... -
A conservation framework for the critically endangered endemic species of the Caribbean palm Coccothrinax
(2018)With 30 threatened species (14 categorized as Critically Endangered and 16 as Endangered, sensu IUCN), Coccothrinax (c. 54 species) is the flagship palm genus for conservation in the Caribbean Island Biodiversity Hotspot. ... -
A first report on fish and turtle catch in Trudillé Jaragua National Park, Dominican Republic
(2010)First report of results of a study to collect information about fishing activity and turtles caught by fishers in Trudillé, Jaragua National Park, Dominican Republic. -
A genomic assessment of species boundaries and hybridization in a group of highly polymorphic anoles (distichus species complex)
(2017)Delimiting young species is one of the great challenges of systematic biology, particularly when the species in question exhibit little morphological divergence. Anolis distichus, a trunk anole with more than a dozen ... -
A guide to Caribbean vegetation types : preliminary classification system and descriptions
(1999)Improved conservation of the distinct natural vegetation types that occur on Caribbean islands is greatly facilitated if these vegetation types are accurately understood, described, and mapped in a manner that is accepted ... -
A guide to coral reef restoration for the tourism sector: partnering with Caribbean tourism leaders to accelerate coral restoration
(2022)Healthy coral reefs are essential for the Caribbean tourism industry, which drives local economies and supports hundreds of thousands of livelihoods throughout the region. A Guide to Coral Reef Restoration for the Tourism ... -
A guide to using the CITES Trade Database : version 9
(2022)The following guide is designed as an aid to understanding the CITES Trade Database and the data it contains. Due to the complexities of interpreting CITES trade data, it is highly recommended that all those interested in ... -
A habitat suitability model for Ricord’s Iguana in the Dominican Republic
(2009)This paper presents results from a pilot study that evaluated variables extracted from satellite imagery and digitally mapped data layers to map the probability of suitable Ricord’s iguana habitat. Bayesian methods were ... -
A hierarchical analysis of nesting and foraging habitat for the conservation of the Hispaniolan White-winged crossbill (Loxia leucoptera megaplaga)
(2000)Little is known about habitat use by the endemic Hispaniolan White-winged crossbill (Loxia leucoptera megaplaga), in part because of its small population size and wandering tendencies; before this study only a single nest ... -
A list of Santo Domingo fishes
(1915) -
A monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME+) Strategic Action Programme (SAP)
(2021)The M&E for the CLME+ SAP will consist of what can be described as three families of overlapping and interrelated sets of indicators: SAP action indicators address the progress in implementation of the CLME+ SAP Strategies ... -
A new atlantasellid isopod (Asellota: Aselloidea) from the flooded coastal karst of the Dominican Republic (Hispaniola) : evidence for an exopod on a thoracic limb and biogeographical implications
(2001)A new representative of the thus far monotypic, Bermudan aselloid family Atlantasellidae is described from the freshwater layers of two coastal sinkholes on the south-west Dominican Republic, Hispaniola. Atlantasellus ...