Now showing items 1556-1575 of 3942

    • First skull of Antillothrix bernensis, an extinct relict monkey from the Dominican Republic 

      Rosenberger, Alfred L.; Cooke, Siobhán B.; Rímoli, Renato; Ni, Xijun; Cardoso, Luis (2011)
      The nearly pristine remains of Antillothrix bernensis, a capuchin-sized (Cebus) extinct platyrrhine from the Dominican Republic, have been found submerged in an underwater cave. This represents the first specimen of an ...
    • Fisherfolk organisation in the network governance of small-scale fisheries in the CARICOM region 

      Tabet, Laura M. (2009)
      This paper presents the network governance structures needed to support the management of dynamic and complex small-scale fishery systems. The research is based on 40 structured interviews with stakeholders from the fishing ...
    • Fisheries investigations and management implications in marine protected areas of the Caribbean : a case study of Parque Nacional del Este, Dominican Republic 

      Chiappone, Mark (ed.) (2001)
      [English] The focus of this technical report is the fishes and fisheries of Parque Nacional del Este, Dominican Republic. Despite PNE’s designation as a national park, the government of the Dominican Republic allows artisanal ...
    • Fisheries management in Dominican Republic : the role of international cooperation for responsible fisheries 

      Mateo, Jeannette (2004)
      The Dominican Republic shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti. The country has a total area of 48,442 km², a narrow insular shelf of 9,484 km² and an EEZ of approximately 238,000 km². Around 10,000 fishers with a fleet ...
    • Five new species of Coccothrinax (Cryosophileae, Coryphoideae, Arecaceae) from Hispaniola 

      Henderson, Andrew; Fernández, Eladio; Montero, Oscar; Clase, Teodoro; Gratacos, Xavier; Christine D., Bacon (2023)
      Five new species of Coccothrinax from Hispaniola are described and illustrated. A key is given to all species from the island.
    • Five years of post-fire vegetation succession in a Caribbean cloud forest (Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic) 

      May, Thomas (2000)
      During the 5 years after a man made fire in a cloud forest of the Cordillera Central of the Dominican Republic, species composition, vegetation cover and height were monitored in a plot of 10×30 m. Forty-four of 92 tree ...
    • La flora de la Española 

      Liogier, Alain Henri (2000)
      Al redactar los ocho tomos de «La flora de la Española» (entre 1982 y 1996) el autor dejó dos familias sin estudiar por falta de datos. Gracias a la ayuda de dos especialistas, se redactó el volumen nueve de esta serie, ...
    • Flora exótica y nativa del Valle de Constanza, provincia La Vega, República Dominicana 

      Zanoni, Thomas A.; Castillo, Daisy; Jiménez Rodríguez, Francisco; Mejía Pimentel, Milcíades M. (2022)
      Se ofrecen informaciones generales del Valle de Constanza relativas a su ubicación geográfica, clima, hidrografía y suelos; su crecimiento poblacional, breve historia de las inmigraciones europeas asentadas, sobre la ...
    • Flora y vegetación de la loma La Vigía, provincia de Azua, República Dominicana 

      Santos Rodríguez, Claritza de los; García, Ricardo; Peguero, Brígido (2022)
      Con el objetivo de determinar la composición florística, el estatus biogeográfico, los tipos biológicos y de vegetación, las especies amenazadas o en peligro de extinción; y documentar las actividades antrópicas que se ...
    • Flow of economic benefits from coral reefs in a multi-use Caribbean marine protected area using network theory 

      Cavada-Blanco, Françoise; Cróquer, Aldo; Yerena, Edgar; Rodríguez, Jon P. (2021)
      Adaptation to changes in the delivery of ecosystem services while maintaining resilience of natural systems is one of the main challenges faced by multi-use marine protected areas (MPAs). To overcome this, it is crucial ...
    • Fluctuación poblacional de Ips calligraphus en pinares de la vertiente norte de la cordillera Central, República Dominicana 

      Jiménez G., Alfredo A.; Cordón Cabrera, Pablo R.; Agramonte, José E. (2022)
      [Español]El coleóptero Ips calligraphus Germar se ha convertido en el principal problema fitosanitario forestal de los pinares naturales y plantados en República Dominicana. Infestaciones históricas han sido importantes ...
    • FOCUS Magazine 

      Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean/Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) (2000)
      This magazine is intended to keep member Governments of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) and cooperating agencies informed of progress in the implementation of the CDCC programme. It shares ...
    • FOCUS Magazine, 2, April - June 2016 

      Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean/Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) (2016)
      Sustainable energy for all in the Caribbean. -- Promoting energy efficiency policies. -- Priority areas to guide energy efficiency policies. -- Transitioning to sustainable energy – Financing a major Caribbean challenge. ...
    • FOCUS Magazine, 2, April - June 2021 

      Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean/Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) (2021)
      Director’s Desk: Environmental Big Push in the Caribbean. -- Blue-Green Economy and Post COVID-19 Recovery in the Caribbean. -- The Escazú Agreement: empowering Caribbean SIDS to build forward better in a COVID-19 context. ...
    • FOCUS Magazine, 3, July - September 2009 

      Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean/Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) (2009)
      The Economics of Climate Change.--Climate Scenarios.--14th Meeting of the CDCC Monitoring Committee.--Key Challenges to Statistical Development of Caribbean Countries - Some Respones.--The Global Crisis and its Impact on ...
    • FOCUS Magazine, 3, July - September 2020 

      Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean/Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) (2020)
      Director’s Desk: The central role of oceans. -- Ocean resources management structures and institutions in the Caribbean region. -- Oceans and disasters - the case of Hurricane Dorian in The Bahamas. -- Sargassum in the ...
    • FOCUS Magazine, 3, July - September 2022 

      Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean/Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) (2022)
      Director’s Desk: Limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees to stay alive - What does it mean for Caribbean SIDS?. -- Climate Change, the Caribbean Sea, and the ocean economy – securing livelihoods of Caribbean people. -- ...
    • FOCUS Magazine, 4, October - December 2015 

      Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean/Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) (2015)
      Water Resource Management, Climate Change and Sustainable Development in the Caribbean. -- Water for Development. -- The Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources. -- Integrated Water Resource Management. -- Case Study ...
    • Fomento de capacidades sobre las herramientas de co-beneficios de desarrollo sostenible y actores no gubernamentales y subnacionales en el contexto de la NDC y la transparencia climática 

      Fernández Ortiz, José Carlos (2021)
      Para los fines de este producto, en el que se procura conocer el alcance de la implementación de las herramientas sobre desarrollo sostenible y actores no gubernamentales y subnacionales, es pertinente repasar la naturaleza ...
    • Fondo Agua Santo Domingo : manual de operaciones 

      Fondo Agua Santo Domingo (2015)
      Este manual tiene la finalidad de establecer los procedimientos operativos del Fondo Agua Santo Domingo. Fue elaborado en el marco de la Alianza Latinoamericana de Fondos de Agua, lanzada por The Nature Conservancy (TNC), ...