Mostrando ítems 1665-1684 de 3942

    • Género, equidad y cambio climático 

      Unidad Técnica de Gestión Proyecto REDD+ (2022)
      Esta cartilla informativo-educativa de la serie del Programa de Reducción de Emisiones por Deforestación y Degradación de los Bosques REDD+ República Dominicana busca proporcionar informaciones y promover el conocimiento ...
    • Global amphibian declines : a perspective from the Caribbean 

      Hedges, S. Blair (1993)
      Recent concern over the possibility of a global decline in amphibians prompted this assessment of the West Indian species. At the species level, the West Indian amphibian fauna (156 species, all frogs and toads) has not ...
    • Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) : Dominican Republic 

      Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) (2022)
      [English] Hosted by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), this database provides open access to biodiversity data about all types of life on Earth. The GBIF-Dominican Republic provides open access to occurrence ...
    • Global change and Caribbean vulnerability : environment, economy and society at risk 

      McGregor, Duncan F. M. (ed.); Dodman, David (ed.); Barker, David (ed.) (2009)
      This collection highlights how current research is addressing rapid change in the Caribbean region, both that being forced by global warming and by population growth. Among the areas covered are climate change, sustainable ...
    • Global change and the Caribbean adaptation and resilience 

      Barker, David (ed.); McGregor, Duncan F. M. (ed.); Rhiney, Kevon (ed.); Edwards, Thera (ed.) (2016)
      This is the fifth in a series of volumes published by UWI Press exploring how geographical and cognate research is being applied to address key environmental problems in the Caribbean region. Global Change and the Caribbean ...
    • Global Land Outlook : Informe temático sobre América Latina y el Caribe 

      United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (2019)
      La degradación generalizada de los ecosistemas terrestres en ALC es mayoritariamente el resultado del manejo no sostenible de la tierra. La demanda regional e internacional de productos tales como cultivos alimenticios, ...
    • Global Land Outlook : Latin America and the Caribbean thematic report 

      United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (2019)
      The widespread degradation of terrestrial ecosystems in LAC is mostly the result of unsustainable land management. Regional and international demand for products such as food crops, livestock, wood, oil, and mining from ...
    • Global Mangrove Watch 

      Global Mangrove Alliance (GMA) (2023)
      Thriving mangroves are key to the health of nature and effective climate action. Global Mangrove Watch (GMW) is an online platform that provides the remote sensing data and tools for monitoring mangroves necessary for this. ...
    • Global Mangrove Watch : una plataforma de monitoreo y datos de teledetección para catalizar la acción necesaria para proteger y restaurar los manglares 

      Global Mangrove Alliance (GMA) (2023)
      El Global Mangrove Watch (GMW) es la fuente de información más completa y actualizada sobre los manglares en todo el mundo. La plataforma en línea brinda acceso universal a datos y herramientas de teledetección para catalizar ...
    • Global Nature Fund Annual Report 2020 

      Gattenlöhner, Udo (ed.) (2021)
      Global Nature Fund’s vision is development within planetary boundaries in order to ensure the right of present and future generations to a healthy planet where biodiversity is conserved, regenerated and restored as the ...
    • Global Nature Fund Annual Report 2021 

      Gattenlöhner, Udo (ed.) (2021)
      Global Nature Fund’s vision is development within planetary boundaries in order to ensure the right of present and future generations to a healthy planet where biodiversity is conserved, regenerated and restored as the ...
    • Global Nature Fund Annual Report 2022 

      Gattenlöhner, Udo (ed.) (2022)
      Many NGOs – also the Global Nature Fund –show with their projects that sustainable development is possible, that takes into account the limits of growth, which our planet shows us. Since the Club of Rome first reported on ...
    • Global plant ecology of tropical ultramafic ecosystems 

      Garnica-Díaz, Claudia; Berazaín Iturralde, Rosalina; Cabrera, Betsaida; Calderón-Morales, Erick; Felipe, Fermín L.; García, Ricardo; Gómez Hechavarría, José Luis; Franklin Guimarães, Aretha; Medina, Ernesto; Paul, Adrian L. D.; Rajakaruna, Nishanta; Restrepo, Carla; Siebert, Stefan J.; van den Berg, Eduardo; van der Ent, Antony; Velásquez, Grisel; Hulshof, Catherine M. (2022)
      [Español] Los ecosistemas ultramáficos son reconocidos por su endemismo y especialización del hábitat. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de nuestra comprensión de la ecología vegetal ultramáfica proviene de climas mediterráneos ...
    • Global significance of mangrove blue carbon in climate change mitigation 

      Alongi, Daniel M. (2020)
      Mangrove forests store and sequester large area-specific quantities of blue carbon (Corg). Except for tundra and peatlands, mangroves store more Corg per unit area than any other ecosystem. Mean mangrove Corg stock is 738.9 ...
    • Global Sustainable Development Report 2023 : Times of crisis, times of change : science for accelerating transformations to sustainable development 

      Independent Group of Scientists (2023)
      This report provides a synthesis of the key transformative shifts needed across different entry points (human well-being and capabilities, sustainable and just economies, food systems and healthy nutrition, energy ...
    • Glosario climático para jóvenes 

      Cognuck González, Sara; Numer, Emilia (2020)
      Una guía estilo glosario con conceptos y definiciones que tienes que comprender si eres activista o quieres comenzar en el activismo climático. Incluye conceptos esenciales sobre cambio climático, acción climática, ...
    • Glosario sobre cambio climático y derechos de la infancia 

      Unicef Comité Español (2017)
      Este documento contiene una recopilación de términos de uso frecuente sobre el cambio climático para actividades educativas en el aula. Forma parte del material educativo "Nuestro planeta, nuestros derechos", un conjunto ...
    • Gobernanza y gestión de áreas protegidas 

      Worboys, Graeme L. (ed.); Lockwood, Michael (ed.); Kothari, Ashish (ed.); Feary, Sue (ed.); Pulsford, Ian (ed.) (2019)
      Esta obra presenta un compendio de texto original, estudios de caso y ejemplos de todo el mundo, a partir de la literatura, el conocimiento y la experiencia de las personas involucradas en áreas protegidas. El libro sintetiza ...
    • Golden tides: Management best practices for influxes of sargassum in the Caribbean with a focus on clean-up 

      Hinds, Catrina; Oxenford, Hazel; Cumberbatch, Janice; Fardin, Frédérique; Doyle, Emma; Cashman, Adrian (2016)
      The purpose of this management brief is to enable government officials, coastal managers, beach caretakers and coastal residents to get ahead of the “golden tides” by providing up-to-date information on the recent ‘sargassum ...
    • Governance arrangements for marine ecosystems of the Wider Caribbean Region 

      Mahon, Robin; Cooke, Alecxcia; Fanning, Lucia; McConney, Patrick (2013)
      The Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem and Adjacent Areas (CLME) Project aims to improve management of shared living marine resources (LMRs) within the Wider Caribbean Region. The CLME Project includes the Regional Governance ...