Mostrando ítems 381-400 de 1085

    • Endemic bird of the day : Loggerhead Kingbird 

      BirdsCaribbean (2021)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 73 poster, dedicated to the Loggerhead Kingbird. What is that noisy bird? The boisterous, chattering call of the Loggerhead Kingbird (Tyrannus caudifasciatus) can be heard echoing ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Narrow-billed Tody 

      BirdsCaribbean (2023)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 119 poster, dedicated to the Narrow-billed Tody. If you’re thinking the Narrow-billed Tody must be the counterpart of the Broad-billed Tody – you’d be right. Hispaniola (shared ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Palm Crow 

      BirdsCaribbean (2023)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 128 poster, dedicated to the Palm Crow. A crow that lives on palm trees? Well, yes…, but the name can be misleading. Palm Crow (Corvus palmarum) can also be found in high-elevation ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Palmchat 

      BirdsCaribbean (2020)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 30 poster, dedicated to the Palmchat, endemic to and widespread on the island of Hispaniola (Cigua Palmera in the Dominican Republic and Oiseau Palmiste in Haiti). It is a noisy ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Pearly-eyed Thrasher 

      BirdsCaribbean (2022)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 81 poster, dedicated to the Meet the Pearly-eyed Thrasher. This belligerent and highly intelligent bird is found throughout many islands in the Caribbean basin, including The ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Red-legged Thrush 

      BirdsCaribbean (2020)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 38 poster, dedicated to the Red-legged Thrush. Found in the Bahamas (Thrush), Cuba (Zorzal Real), Dominican Republic (Chua Chua), Haiti (Ouèt-ouèt), Puerto Rico (Zorzal Patirrojo), ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Ridgway’s Hawk 

      BirdsCaribbean (2020)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 5 poster, dedicated to The Ridgway’s Hawk. This bird is found only on the island of Hispaniola, which is shared by the nations of Haiti and Dominican Republic. It is one of the ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Rufous-throated Solitaire 

      BirdsCaribbean (2023)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 127 poster, dedicated to the Rufous-throated Solitaire (Myadestes genibarbis), a beloved songster of wet montane forests. It is found only on the following islands: Jamaica, ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Scaly-naped Pigeon 

      BirdsCaribbean (2020)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 48poster, dedicated to the Scaly-Naped Pigeon, a large, forest-dwelling pigeon that occurs throughout the Caribbean, except for Jamaica and the Bahamas. It feeds on seeds, fruits, ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Vervain Hummingbird 

      BirdsCaribbean (2021)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 67 poster, dedicated to the Vervain Hummingbird. Was that an insect buzzing past me just now? No, it’s the Vervain hummingbird (Mellisuga minima), the second smallest bird in the ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : West Indian Whistling-Duck 

      BirdsCaribbean (2020)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 1 poster, dedicated to the West Indian Whistling-Duck. This is a tall, graceful, mostly brown duck with a beautiful haunting call. It is endemic to the West Indies and can be found ...
    • Endemic rodents of the West Indies : the end of a splendid isolation 

      Woods, Charles A. (1989)
      The objective of this paper is to summarize the status of endangered, vulnerable, or rare rodents in the Middle American Region. This region includes Mexico, all of Central America south to the Colombian border, and the ...
    • Endémika, núm. 2 

      Endémika - Fundación Ambiental (editores) (2024)
      Artículos publicados en este número: Educación ambiental: La sostenibilidad, un eje transversal obligatorio para la vida. -- Reportaje: El Ozama que no conoces. -- Entrevista: Sixto J. Incháustegui. -- Entrevista: Ángela ...
    • Entomofauna de la Reserva Científica Ébano Verde, cordillera Central, República Dominicana 

      Pérez-Gelabert, Daniel E. (2015)
      [Español] Se compila una lista preliminar de las especies de insectos conocidas para la Reserva Científica Ébano Verde (RCEV), cordillera Central, República Dominicana, a partir de datos publicados en la literatura ...
    • Entomofauna del Parque Nacional Loma Nalga de Maco y alrededores, provincia Elías Piña, República Dominicana 

      Pérez-Gelabert, Daniel E.; Bastardo, Ruth H.; Medrano, Sardis (2011)
      [Español] Se compilaron datos derivados principalmente de la literatura zoológica publicada sobre la diversidad de insectos conocida del Parque Nacional Loma Nalga de Maco y alrededores, en el noroeste de la República ...
    • Erechthis katydids (Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae) in the Caribbean : new species from The Bahamas and Hispaniola 

      De Luca, Paul A.; Morris, Glenn K. (2016)
      Two new species of Caribbean conocephaline katydids (Agraeciini) are described for the previously monotypic genus Erechthis: one from the island of Eleuthera in the Bahamas, one from Hispaniola. The first-named species ...
    • Especies de equinodermos recientes (Echinodermata : crinoidea: asteroidea: ophiuroidea: echinoidea y holothuroidea) conocidas para la Hispaniola 

      Herrera-Moreno, Alejandro; Betancourt Fernández, Liliana (2004)
      El presente trabajo resume y actualiza el conocimiento de la biodiversidad de los equinodermos recientes de la Isla Hispaniola, ofreciendo una lista con 154 especies, divididas en 23 especies de crinoidea, 33 de asteroidea, ...
    • Especies de esponjas marinas conocidas para la isla Hispaniola 

      Herrera-Moreno, Alejandro; Betancourt Fernández, Liliana; Alcolado, Pedro M. (2012)
      [Español] Se ofrece una cronología histórica de las investigaciones sobre las esponjas de la Isla Hispaniola desde 1864 al presente. La información proviene de los resultados de expediciones y proyectos nacionales e ...
    • Especies de estomatópodos (crutácea : malacostraca : stomatopoda) conocidas para la Hispaniola 

      Herrera-Moreno, Alejandro; Betancourt Fernández, Liliana (2003)
      Se ofrece una lista de los estomatópodos de la Hispaniola, con 12 especies. Para República Dominicana la presente compilación adiciona 7 especies a las 3 listadas en el último inventario nacional de la biodiversidad marina, ...
    • Especies endémicas y nativas en el municipio de Restauración : recolección de semillas y manejo en viveros 

      Schmidt, Bernhard (2014)
      Esta publicación contiene una recopilación de las características y el manejo en viveros de las semillas de las principales especies de plantas nativas y endémicas identificadas en la Evaluación Ecológica Rápida (EER) ...