The objective of the Environmental Education Virtual Library Rosa Margarita Bonetti is to collect, organize, disseminate and facilitate online access to Dominican bibliographic and documentary production on environmental education, management and protection. In this Library you can consult books, technical reports, videos, educational resources and other documents on topics related to biodiversity and the protection of the natural environment. It is a project sponsored and managed by the Propagas Foundation in order to collaborate and support the various institutional, national and international efforts that promote environmental education in the Dominican Republic.
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Plataforma de Acción Climática
(2024)El IDDI, a través de su Plataforma de Acción Climática, y su Centro de Cambio Climático y Desarrollo Sostenible (CCDS), fundado en 2011, se alinea al Acuerdo de Paris y el compromiso de Republica Dominicana a través de la ... -
Blue Nature Allience Impact report July 2023 - June 2024
(2024)The Blue Nature Alliance is an ambitious global initiative working to accelerate the pace, scale, and effectiveness of ocean conservation through partnership. Its mission is to catalyze effective and equitable large-scale ... -
Conservation finance for coral reefs : a Vibrant Oceans Initiative whitepaper
(2022)This whitepaper reviews a broad range of finance solutions related to coral reef conservation, including conservation trust funds, blended finance, small and medium-sized enterprises, blue carbon, blue bonds, environmental ... -
Navigating ocean investments : how collaborative management can fill the marine conservation funding gap
(2019)Insights: 1. Collaboratively managed marine protected areas (MPAs) offer impact investors a strong opportunity to support the sustainable management of marine resources, improve coastal livelihoods and generate financial ... -
Fondo Verde del Clima : oportunidad de financiamiento climático para la República Dominicana
(2019)Esta hoja divulgativa ofrece una guía clara y concisa sobre los procedimientos necesarios para obtener la "No Objeción" en el marco de proyectos de desarrollo financiados o apoyados por la Fundación Reservas del País, Inc, ...